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Millions of individuals in the United States are impacted by hoarding. Those affected by hoarding are often dealing with underlying issues such as anxiety and depression that cause them to accumulate belongings to the extent that their living conditions become unsafe. They gather so many items that they create towering piles, making it difficult to navigate their homes safely and resulting in fire and health hazards. It is crucial to encourage those affected by hoarding to agree to a clean up their home, enlist professional help, and ensure that the property is completely cleared of hoarded items and thoroughly cleaned.

Cleaning a hoarded space can be quite challenging.

How to Deep Clean a Property After Hoarding Cleanup

Cleaning a space that has been affected by hoarding for many years can be both challenging and overwhelming. As items accumulate, mold and bacteria growth, as well as rotting, can occur within the clutter, leading to unpleasant odors and potentially damaging surrounding belongings. Therefore, it’s crucial to thoroughly clean and deodorize a hoarded space while addressing any damage caused by the clutter. If you find the task too daunting, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from friends or hire a professional hoarding cleanup service.

If you know someone affected by hoarding who is ready to clean out their home, make sure to follow these steps to make the project less daunting.

Create a Clear Cleanup Plan

Cleaning a hoarded space can be a long and difficult task, so it’s essential to plan ahead before diving into the process. Tackle the cleaning in manageable increments to make it less overwhelming. Begin by determining which cleaning supplies you’ll need and consider enlisting help if necessary. Key supplies to have on hand include heavy-duty garbage bags, disinfectants and degreasers, sponges, protective gear like gloves and masks, and a vacuum cleaner with various attachments. A well-thought-out plan will not only save you time and reduce stress but also ensure that no areas are overlooked.

Declutter and Sort Items

When sifting through the hoarded items, take the time to declutter and organize what’s inside the closets, cabinets, and drawers. Work with the affected individual to determine which items to keep, donate, or discard. Nothing should be removed from the home without the consent of the affected individual. Here are some effective strategies to help you declutter:

  • With the affected individual, decide which items you will keep, donate, or throw in the garbage and get them into individual piles.
  • Encourage them to only keep the items they need, bring joy to them, or that they are not ready to give away.
  • Create a sorting system using the categories of keep, donate, or sell.
  • Take into consideration the condition of each item to help decide if you will keep it or replace it in the future.

Use an Odor-Neutralizing Product or a Purifier

After clearing out a hoarded space, lingering odors can sometimes prove stubborn, even with extensive cleaning. To combat this issue, consider using an odor-neutralizing product or a charcoal-based air purifier. These solutions not only mask unpleasant smells but neutralize the odor molecules in the air. This approach is particularly effective against tough odors, such as those from cigarette smoke, cooking, or pets.

Use the Proper Cleaning Supplies

Hoarded items, furnishings, and surfaces within homes affected by hoarding require thorough cleaning using specialized cleaning supplies. Begin by dusting with a microfiber cloth to effectively remove dirt and debris. For other types of items, consider the following tips:

  • For non-porous surfaces such as glass, metal, or plastic you should use a mixture of bleach and water.
  • For stubborn stains and dirt, it’s essential to use a specialized cleaning solution that is safe for the specific material. Always read the labels of cleaning products to ensure they are compatible with the item you are cleaning, allowing for effective and safe results. Additionally, avoid harsh chemicals, as they can damage materials and lead to discoloration.
  • Wooden surfaces should be cleaned with a wood cleaner so they can be preserved properly.
  • A steam cleaner should be used for embedded dirt or stains on furniture and carpets.
    • Always test a small, inconspicuous area with your cleaning solution to prevent potential damage. When applied correctly, the right cleaning solution can effectively tackle soiled areas, including those affected by mold, grime, or pests. However, it’s important to acknowledge that some items may be beyond repair.

You can enlist friends or hire a professional hoarding cleanup service

Repair Damage Caused by Hoarding

Once the hoarded items have been cleared from the property, there may be significant damage to the home’s structure. This is why it’s crucial to have any repairs conducted by professionals to prevent further deterioration. Additionally, addressing these issues will enhance the appearance of the property, allowing the affected individual to feel more comfortable in their space.

Try Getting Professional Help

After a home affected by hoarding has been cleared, it is very important to deep clean the home as there may be lingering mold, bacteria, or other filth that formed within the clutter. These materials can not only lead to property damage, but also create unsanitary living conditions. This is a step that cannot be skipped for the protection of those within the home.

Cleaning a hoarded space after the items have been removed can be quite challenging. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance. You can enlist friends or hire a professional hoarding cleanup service. Professionals bring valuable expertise to safely help you sort through items and advise you on what can be retained. By asking for help, you can significantly ease the hoarding cleanup process.

Professional Hoarding Cleanup

Cleaning and restoring a home affected by hoarding is a major project that involves several steps. Removing and sorting the hoarded items is only half the battle as the home also must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to restore safe living conditions. The most important thing to remember is that hoarding cleaning should only begin with the consent and participation of the affected individual. Once they are ready to clean their home, you can reach out to ServiceMaster S&R Systems for help.

Our professionals at ServiceMaster S&R Systems can provide hoarding cleanup services that include deep cleaning. We will help declutter and remove all unwanted items from the home and deep clean the property to restore safe living conditions. To learn more about our hoarding cleaning services, make sure to give us a call at (630) 896-0030.

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